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Civic Youth Fellowship

Applications for the 2025 cohort: CLOSED

Sponsored by

The Africa Centre, ASSIST Community Services Centre, Canadian Race Relations Foundation, kihêw waciston - MacEwan University, IslamicFamily, & The City of Edmonton


Develop an understanding of municipal politics and work to represent the issues of constituents through an internship aimed to grant new skills to emerging leaders from equity-deserving communities.


Will be supporting elected officials and city administration in building meaningful relationships with equity-deserving communities, increasing access to local government, and delivering a meaningful project that fosters community impact.


Will gain mentorship, learning & build relationships that help define your career.

About the Fellowship

The Civic Youth Fellowship is a leadership development program focused on nurturing the next generation of community leaders and public servants from equity-deserving communities. Beginning in 2023, this annual fellowship emphasizes both civic engagement skills and hands-on experience, including a paid placement within city administration offices, the office of the mayor, or a city councillor’s office.

Fellows will work directly with elected officials and their teams, in a range of different areas including research, advocacy, policy, communications, and case work, depending on the needs of the office. Through applied, hands-on experience, the program will provide fellows with the practical tools required to understand and navigate the political process. Fellows will be provided with intensive training prior to their placement as well as supportive mentorship and development training throughout their term. Experience gained will also be supplemented by a longer-term vision project that fellows will work on collaboratively with the aim of impacting a worthy cause of choice.

The ideal applicants are individuals who are eager to build their political literacy, deepen their understanding of municipal governance, have the desire to benefit their communities, and develop strong leadership skills that will hopefully place them in prominent decision-making roles in the future.

  • Training

    A skill-building course delivered through monthly, day-long workshops from January to April, designed to help Fellows develop their political and professional skills. Alongside topics such as advocacy, campaigning, effective networking, and building meaningful professional relationships. Also emphasizing the importance of understanding and respecting Indigenous values and perspectives.

  • Mentorship

    Our network of mentors provides each fellow with one-on-one support throughout the program. Mentors guide personal and professional development, assist in goal setting, and help fellows make meaningful connections that will support them in achieving their goals.

  • Placements

    Fellows spend 10 weeks working with a member of City Council or the City of Edmonton's Executive Leadership Team (ELT). The work of each placement will vary from office to office and may include casework, event planning, administrative support, communications (newsletter, communications, social media, building out info for post banks for Instagram, TikTok, X, etc. ), and helping elected officials and senior executives engage with local issues.

  • Project

    Each fellow will work with their new teams to determine a project to complete during their ten week period with the City of Edmonton. As each office will require different needs, they will work together to determine the best project(s) for the office.

  • Showcase

    Fellows will present their internship learning.


Hours & Duration: Temporary, Full-time, 10 weeks

Location: Edmonton (travel will be required throughout the city)

Compensation: $25.25 per hour at 36.9 hrs per week (for 10 weeks)

Reporting to: City Councillor Member or City of Edmonton Deputy City Manager & IslamicFamily Fellowship Coordinator (employment contract is with IslamicFamily and placement is at City of Edmonton)

Length: Placements start in May. Monthly training begins in January.


  1. Must be 18+ and either a post-secondary student or recent graduate.

  2. Committed to supporting equity-deserving communities.

  3. Values respect and inclusivity in their approach.

  4. Strong communication skills: phone, email, text, in-person, and clear writing.

  5. Willing to learn and ask questions.

  6. Comfortable using digital tools like Google Suite, social media, and scheduling apps.

  7. Able to work independently, collaborate, and provide updates on progress.

  8. Interested in learning about municipal issues.

  9. Edmonton residents preferred.

  10. Must have the legal right to work in Canada.

Candidates will be evaluated on:

  1. Experience supporting community building, volunteering, or community involvement.

  2. Clear and focused communication skills.

  3. Awareness of local municipal issues, especially ward-specific.

 About The Partners

  • The Africa Centre, is the largest pan African organization in western Canada, serving as a community hub that provides programs and services from a place of cultural awareness and competency to the families in our diverse community.

    We acknowledge the diversity of our cultural background as a source of the strength that brings capacity and competencies to shape a thriving community in Alberta. We have a strong African indigenous cultural foundation incorporated across our programs and services.

    Visit our website to learn more!

  • Here at ASSIST we are committed to serving the community at large by providing programs and services that meet a variety of needs for newcomers. We welcome all people to our programs regardless of race, gender identity, ability, religion, and sexual orientation, and strive to create an inclusive, diverse, and respectful environment for everyone.

    Visit our website to learn more!

  • The Canadian Race Relations Foundation was created in 1996 to reaffirm the principles of justice and equality for all in Canada. The mandate of the Foundation is to facilitate throughout Canada the development, sharing, and application of knowledge and expertise to contribute to the elimination of racism and all forms of racial discrimination in Canadian society.

    Visit our website to learn more!

  • kihêw waciston, which means “eagle’s nest” in Cree, is a home away from home for MacEwan University's Indigenous students. Here you can gather, work and grow in a community that honours the distinctive knowledge of Indigenous peoples and supports you on your post-secondary journey.

    As MacEwan University’s Indigenous Centre, we offer personal, academic, financial and cultural support. While many of our services are directed at Indigenous students, kihêw waciston's doors are open to everyone in the MacEwan community.

    Visit our website to learn more!

  • IslamicFamily supports the mother who is fleeing abuse without making her compromise her identity or safety. We support the man seeking counselling that respects his values. We support youth looking for a creative platform that appreciates and amplifies their voice. We support families beginning new lives amidst hardship. We are Islamic Family & we are created to serve.

    IslamicFamily is an Imagine Canada accredited charity, the winner of the Government of Alberta’s Inspiration Award for its work combating domestic violence (2020) and the Canadian Mental Health Associations Professional Service Award (2020).

    For more than 30 years, we have been driven to disrupt systemic inequity, to reflect a rich tradition with beauty, to innovate & to serve with excellence. Islamic Family serves 5000 clients every month, runs Edmonton’s second-largest food bank, provides aid in financial crisis, supports victims of gender-based violence, settles refugees, and delivers a range of preventative programming for youth. Islamic Family is rooted on Treaty 6 and proudly serves all of Alberta.

    As with all positions at IslamicFamily, it’s important that our culture lines up with your values. Please take a moment to review

    Visit our website to learn more!

  • Located on Treaty 6 Territory and with a population of over one million, Edmonton is one of Canada's youngest and fastest growing cities. We’re building a resilient and diverse economy, attracting the best and the brightest and striving to be a world leader in environmental sustainability. We value quality of life, community safety and a welcoming spirit that embraces new people and new ideas.

    Visit our website to learn more!